Company name
Desert Control

Started year

Current phase of business
First Scaling Phase

Started in
Stavanger, Norway

Kristian P. Olesen (co-founder and inventor), Ole M. Olesen (co-founder), Ole Kristian Sivertsen (CEO)

Web site

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 15: Life on Land

Desert Control – making earth green again

The four questions:

Describe your business idea?

Desert Control is a ClimateTech company specialized in restoring arid soil and desert sand into fertile land with the innovation LNC (Liquid NanoClay), a compound enabling sandy soils to retain water and nutrients; making degraded land green again. LNC increases yield, while decreasing water usage by up to 50%. The process to turn sand into fertile soil can take 10-15 years; with LNC crops can be planted within 7 hours. Liquid NanoClay strengthens
resilience to withstand the harsh impact of climate change, while saving scarce resources like water.

What is your impact on sustainability?

More than 30 football fields worth of fertile land is lost to desertification every minute, and this problem is further magnified by increasing water scarcity. 70% of all available freshwater is already consumed by agriculture, and Desert Control makes it possible to reclaim deserts and degraded land to grow crops with less water and with better yield.

How does your business model work?

The clay is produced locally with water and soil that is pulverized before mixed with the water. It is a B2B model where farming companies or nonprofit organizations buy the LNC.

What is your vision five years from now?

By 2030 we want to have greened 5 million km2 of degraded land and deserts. Impacting the livelihoods of more than 100 million people.