Company name
Wayout International AB

Started year

Current phase of business
Research/pilot phase

Started in
Stockholm, Sweden

Ulf Stenerhag, Martin Renck, Mattias Liss

Web site

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Wayout – safe automated drinking water

The four questions:

Describe your business idea?

Instead of shipping plastic water bottles around the planet, we lease out sustainable plug-and-play water production systems to be operated as local enterprises.

Our concept enables sustainable production of safe drinking water, distributed through a system of eco friendly returnable vessels managed within an IT platform safeguarding water quality.

Our target clients are governments, communities, hospitals, schools, office buildings, resident areas and the hospitality industry as well as disaster areas and refugee camps.

By providing profitable production facilities to be operated on a community level, we enable local prosperity and help lead the world’s transition to a greener, healthier and safer future.

What is your impact on sustainability?

Clean drinking water is a problem for millions. Plastic bottles are harmful to all life on Earth. Unsustainable industry is a main driver of climate change. Beyond the obvious health implications, the lack of safe drinking water also damages educational and economic prospects, making long-term development even more difficult.

One Wayout Water system produces 3,000 liters pristine water per day, providing 1,000 persons with water while also removing up to 180,000 plastic bottles and 12 tons of carbon dioxide – every month.

How does your business model work?

Wayout provides fully automated safe drinking water production modules and distribution systems offered for lease to businesses, organisations and entrepreneurs that see the opportunities in managing a local, green and profitable production and distribution of water, while eliminating plastic bottles and CO₂.

Wayout is a 360° enabler, providing water treatment and serving systems, returnable eco friendly vessels connected in an autonomous IT network through NB/IoT and NFC tags, as well as mobile app for consumers and an IT system for sales support, payments, system monitoring and maintenance.

The business model is based on pay-per-liter. The business case is based on enabling the lease holder/operator to make good profit, even at low volumes, in a scalable concept. Calculations are based on the prospect of selling competitive world class mineral water at around 0.25 USD per liter.

What is your vision five years from now?

Wayout wants to provide a solution for a new and sustainable infrastructure model, for supplying safe drinking water across the planet. Five years from now, we will have deployed one thousand water systems to ten markets on three continents.